Revealed the secret of Miley Cyrus!

Sunday, June 21, 2009 |

It was a simple enough Twit of Miley to unleash hell!

"In one of my favorite cities with my preferite.Indovinate where people are and what I'm facendo.Non I will never tell.:)"

Journalists and fans crazy to find out what she was doing and Miss Cyrus, as expected, the answers are coming soon!
A young fan has added his twitter ...

"I am in Arlington to see the Jonas Brothers e. .. Oh My God! Miley Cyrus is here! The Vip are waiting behind the doors of glass, she ran away, and we view but ran too much and we could not take foto.Non joke ... it is real to 100%. I am sure that is here to sing Before The Storm. "

So the surprise announcement by Jonas began to have a face especially when he started to circulate on the net, a few hours after the concert, this picture that portrays the backstage of the concert! As you can see, there was a sign that indicated the fitting room Miley!

So we fans working together, we discovered the secret of our Miley on stage who sang divinely!
And, according to Perez Hilton, only one thing was clear at that moment ...

"The way she looked at Nick ... It is still in love!"