Recent Tweet and interview with Miley Cyrus for "Popstar"

Sunday, September 6, 2009 |

Not long ago, the site Oceanup a rumor was circulated to the effect that Miley Cyrus, towards the end of his song "Obsessed" whisper "Come Back" Nick "(Nick returns).

These rumors were denied by the same singer on Twitter, here is what it wrote:
"I'm watching" The Titanic "all alone. Bring water works. "(About 12 hours ago)

"Promise me you will survive. Not give up, no matter what happens, no matter how you are disperata.-Titanic "(about 12 hours ago)
"The truth is that ... i miss you. I'm so tired.I Should not have let you go. So I crawl back in to your open arms-Coldplay "(about 12 hours ago)
"I am sitting thinking about any prospect of playing" I Want You "as" Come Back "Nick". (about 14 hours ago)
"Oh My God! I just laughed a lot! No do not say "Come Back" Nick "at the end of obsessed. :) Ha! (about 14 hours ago)

Miley Cyrus has also issued statements on Pop Star magazine talking about her love life:
"I was in love and I think it's fair to say if it's love for a friend or love in the sense love and I think I passed both. You just have to be strong because love is definitely difficult. "
His ideal girlfriend:
"When I go out with someone, I like people a little 'older than me and then a little' more mature." And the school and its education:
"Girls can be so petty, I'll tell your ora.Possono be so naughty and this is just horrible, it peggiore.Lo I tell my mom all the time, as I honestly do not know what to do if I went to high school."

Miley continues:
"Probably I will follow the lessons at home because the kids are so spregievoli.Ho past the proverbial rainy day when I went to school, I could not gestirlo.Il way the guys look at you, one look can change your life forever, you make you feel strange for your stuff, they make you feel strange for the way in which you guardi.è terrible! "