Miley Cyrus in figures: l 'teenager is already a millionaire!

Friday, June 19, 2009 |

From one moment to 'others, and we spoke about at length, breadth, and through the' Hannah Montana actress, l 'heroin made in Disney ... But between the success and the loves, info and hitches, dov 'it is the young star of 16 years?

Here's to you somehow figure to clarify the mystery Miley Cyrus:

-13 Years: is the 'age at which Miley was seen for the first time for an Oscar. Imagine that it is really impressive when you're so young!

-35: A position that deals with Miley Cyrus on the list of most influential celebrities on the planet in 2008, beating his colleague Zac Efron and other Hollywood teens of the same gender.

-8 Million is the number of albums sold by Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana, in the world ... Do not you dare to imagine the number of fans ...

-86 000: is the number of copies sold for the 'autobiography of the star "Miles to Go." One wonders what he tells us ... some sexy little secret?

-86, 5 million are the number of dollars compared to the 'out of the film "Hannah Montana". E 'to know that half of this money was won on the first weekend of' out of the film (32 million dollars).

25 million: the total amount that has Miley on its bank account. Unfortunately, all this money will remain firm until his age!

-20 000: E 'the maximum price of a ticket for the tour of Miley Cyrus on the black market.

And finally:

1 billion dollars for the rights of the star.

With all this, the fans can be sure! Miley Cyrus not find no money in their hour of need!